Saturday, January 19, 2013

STAC Anniversary

Hello everyone! 

On 26 Jan (Saturday), STAC will be celebrating it's 39th Anniversary. Choir members past and present are all invited to join us for an evening of good food and great fun! 

We will be meeting in front of the bus stop near 401 at 5.15pm. A chartered bus will take us to Ivan's place. The same bus will fetch us back to church at 10+pm. 

It will be a potluck so kindly let Zachus know what you're bringing! Do RSVP so we can settle the admin stuff and get additional food if necessary. 

God bless and hope see everyone there!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Days Ahead

Hello all! A belated blessed Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you, and a wonderful Epiphany too!

As 2013 dawns upon us, and the new liturgical year surges towards Lent and Easter, there are plenty more opportunities for us reflect and ponder about God's infinite love for us: through nature, books, Mass, music and the people around us. But if you've been spending a lot of time online, no worries! Here's a great, witty, well-written blog you can follow: Bad Catholic

Nope, it isn't some sacrilegious blog that defaces Catholicism, if that's the vibe you get from the title. And neither is it a super holy Bible-bashing site that uses words so huge one would doubt if they should even exist in the English language. No sir. This is one blog that uses memes, sarcasm, humor and good research to face down certain persecutions that we will all face as growing Catholics.

The blog discusses a myriad of topics, such as science, abortion, same-sex marriage, birth-control, the priesthood, political issues, alcohol and even the apocalypse--all from a very Catholic point of view. Take a good read, browse the comments, and most importantly, reflect upon these issues always with Christ in mind. Why? Because these issues are very real, and how we choose to react to them will decide whether or not the Light of Christ can continue to shine through us.

So here's to a beautiful Epiphany, and a fitting close to the Christmas season. Christ is born! Praise the Lord! Alleluia!