Thursday, February 16, 2012

Anniversary 2012

On the 4th of February, STAC celebrated its 38th Anniversary at the green house in Nativity Church. It was a joyous evening shared by one and all. We thank the organisers--Priscillia, Belicia, Vanessa, Sean and Matthias--for planning the event and coming up with the crazy games. Lastly, we thank GOD for all He has blessed us with the past 38 years. Happy Feast Day, St Thomas!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Farewell to Anthia

Today marks the last Mass and Sunday we have with Anthia, who is flying off tomorrow to pursue her studies in Australia. We thank her for all the memories she has shared with us in the past years, and the commitment she has shown as a beloved member of STAC. God bless, Anthia, and may you find joy and love in all you come to do. You will be dearly missed. Bon voyage!